The CAF Executive Committee met last February 14 in Doha, and brought forth a project known as “Transform CAF 2021.”
This roadmap will capitalize in the structuring of actions which already started or were finalised back in 2019. “Transform CAF 2021” has 4 areas of work.
These are; organization and governance, competitions, arbitration, infrastructure and development. These 4 sectors are broken down into 122 measures, 17 of which were prioritised and will have to be finalised by June 2020.
The new CAF roadmap will be subject to specific governance through the establishment of a steering committee at the level of the Executive Committee and a monitoring committee at the administrative level. A dedicated project management unit (PMO) has also been approved to carry out this structuring project.
The 17 prioritised measures to Transform CAF are:
• 11 priority recruitments
• Securing all financial transfers
• Implementation of new accounting standards and updating of entries on JD Edward (JD Edwards Enterprise) JD Edwards Enterprise is an integrated management software package Formerly called Peoplesoft EnterpriseOne or OneWorld XE)
• Establishment of a CAF archiving policy
• Launch of a call for tenders for the development of CAF procedures
• Launch of tender for the travel and transport part with annual savings objective
• Launch of a call for tenders for the implementation of a new ERP (An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or also called ERP (Integrated Management Software) is an information system that allows you to manage and monitor daily, all the information and operational services of a company.
• Launch of a framework call for media broadcasting services (Champions League and 2020/2021 Caf Cup)
• Launch of a framework call for technical marketing services (Champions League and Caf 2020/2021 Cup)
• Create a dedicated supply department
• Put the PMO of Transform CAF 2021 PMO (Project Management Office) is a service or department that defines the processes related to project management. It standardises and optimizes expenses by identifying common tasks in the realization of projects.
• Ensure standardised work contracts for 100% of employees.
• Centralise and standardise the legal management of CAF
• Establish a security policy for the CAF information system
• Establish an annual calendar of all standing and independent committees.
• Establishment of a dematerialised platform for the management of FIFA Foward funds
• Implementation of the internal audit function and launch of the 2020 internal audit plan.